THE VANDALTONES is a modern classic rock project from the brainchild of Shep Tullier. The musicians on this E.P. is: SHEP TULLIER: Vocals. Guitar and Keys; A J ECKERT; Keys; LARRY MELTON: Bass; AHREN BUCHHEISTER: Guitars, Pedal Steel and GREG PHILIPS/MICKEY ECKMAN on Drums. The E.P was Produced by Shep Tullier, Dave Earl and Ahren Buchheister and mastered by Mickey Freeland. The mixing was done by Dave Earl, Ahren Buchheister and Eavn Kornblum. FLOODPRONE BLUES kicks off this CD with the basic blues riff and a lot of fun added to it. I must admit, I really find it quite enjoyable. TINY LITTLE WORLD is a cool punk rock song that will surprise you and you'll be into in no time. This song is sweet! WAVELAND is quite impressive, to say the least. The lyrics and the band are really tops on this song. This song is a must to hear. REAP WHAT YOU SOW is a cool metal type song that will get into your head within minutes. I must admit, it reminds me of THE TUBES a bit, which is a lot to say. I hope you'll check out this band whenever you have a chance. Also, I'd like to give a BIG THANK YOU to SHEP TULLIER for being in touch after all these years. You can find the band on Facebook,, Apple Music, YouTube, Deezer. Amazon Music, Bloomplay and iHeartRadio. ROCK ON, JIM ALLFORD []