UPTOWN SINCLAIR is a 4 piece rock pop band that hails from Cleveland, Ohio. The band has superb melodies and lyrics that will want you to play their CD over and over again.

The band members are: DAVE HILL: Guitars, vocals; TIM PARIN:Guitars: BILL WATTTERSON-Bass, vocals and ROB PFEIFFER-Drums.

`The 2001 was Mastered by Scott Hull and Produced by Will Tanous, Michael Seifert and Mr. Colson and Mixed by Michael Seifert and Mark Owen. FACE DOWN kicks off this CD with a bit of the Beastie Boys song, Sabotage meets pure rock and roll with a  relentless guitar in your face. Crank it up.

GIRLFRIEND, definitely, should hit the Top 10 on the  Billboard charts. The hooks are everywhere in this song. One taste of this song and you'll be hooked. FIRST THING IN THE MORNING has the Sweet Jane riff with some great lyrics that you have to listen close to. The beat goes on forever.

WHATEVER U WANT is as clever as ever as their main chorus to the song will have you singing along with it. The song is simple and sweet and will bring the 'best out of you'. NEVER MISS A THING ends this CD with an acoustic guitar song and some amazing lyrics.

Listen closely to the lyrics and it takes you away. I promise you, you will never get tired playing this CD. They did get mentioned in Billboard magazine.You can find the band at: Amazon Music, Allmusic, Discogs, Youtube, www.davehillonline.com and Ink19. Check around for their CD, it's well worth it. ROCK ON, JIM ALLFORD

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