ROBIN GRIMMOND & LEONARD WOLF is a duo that hails from Atlanta, Georgia and Dundee, Scotland. They have been a team for quite some time and Leonard is responsible for most of the music part as Robin is considered the major songwriter.

They both have been responding by email to put their music together as the album was made in Nashville, Tennessee. Leonard Wolf did all the music parts in this album by using all Virtual Instruments such as LA Scoring Strings, Music Lab Guitars, Ample Basses, East West, Sound Toys and other various instruments. This 10 song album was Mixed, Mastered and Produced by Leonard Wolf.

THAT BROADWAY FEELING kicks off the album with Leonard doing vocals that reminds me a bit of sitting at a smoky bar as everyone is too busy to listen to him sing. Regardless, the song is quite interesting to hear. Check it out. I'M SCREWED has a rock type of beat to it with some very interesting lyrics. The melody and lyrics will surely get your attention fast. What a great trip this song is. Need I say more?

I WISH THAT I LOVED is a true tear jerking song as the lyrics tell the story. Time for another shot to get me over this feeling. You can actually feel how he feels in this song. Cheers. GOOD OLD BOYS is a song title that I think of that Randy Newman would be singing. There is no doubt, this song has the very same vibe as Randy Newman would have. I love this song and it really stands out by itself. So sweet.

HAL AND BURT is a classy song about Hal David and Burt Bacharach which prevails to be quite an interesting song with some interesting lyrics and a melody that will put you on the Broadway stage. Lights, action, camera, please! If you love true Broadway music, this song is for you. This is a very interesting album, to say the least. Thank you Robin. You can find them on You tube, Spotify, Apple Music, Facebook, Amazon Music and other sites. ROCK ON, JIM ALLFORD [STEEL NOTES MAGAZINE.]

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