MEET KAT MACKENZIE, as she is making her debut as by making the Cocoon E.P. Kat originally hailed from Atlanta, Georgia and now lives in Glen Falls, N.Y. On this E.P., she sings about personal and relatable issues.

The meaning of the title of her E.P is being isolated during the pandemic and how it reflects on our emotions and deep feelings we all had. The Musicians on the 4 song E.P. are: Kat MacKenzie-Vocals; Frank Palangi- Electric and Bass guitar and David Nester-Drums. This E.P was Mixed, Mastered and Produced by Frank Palangi at his studio.

COCOON kicks off this E.P. with her very distinctive voice that stands out by itself. The music is pounding away as you as there are very many different levels to this song. The melody and lyrics are quite interesting, to say the least. This is a MUST SONG to listen to, it's quite powerful in many different ways. Look out.

MSG once again shows off her amazing vocals as she reminds me a bit of Melanie in the new age of the music world. The melody is quite heavy at times as she works herself through the song. Quite an interesting song that will have you h

GOTTA HAVE A LITTLE FAITH is a bit laid back as music still has the heavy overtone as in all of her songs. She, definitely, stands out on her own from all aspects of music you might have ever heard. A true hidden gem.

HAIR ON FIRE brings quite amazing E.P. to an end as she once again lays her trip on life on everyone within listening distance. This song has another vibe that is bound to get to you. WOW! Is all I can say. I'd like THANK KAT for being in touch. Keep an ear open for you. She just might get to you.You can find Kat at: You tube, Deezer, Amazon Music, Spotify, Soundcloud, Apple Music and other sites. ROCK ON, JIM ALLFORD [STEEL NOTES MAGAZINE.]

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