DUNCAN COKER is singer/guitarist that hails from Boulder, Colorado and was raised in New Jersey. His songwriting is about things that happen in your life and the losses and love of his life.

His 9 song CD includes Charlie Rose, a musician that played with the Elephant Revival and he plays various instruments from piano to steel guitar and the list goes on.

Also, Carolyn Hunter who does background vocals recorded with Daniel Rodriguez and Joshua Lee Turner who is well known in the music business. The Mastering of this album was done by Dave Glasser who is a two time Grammy winner.

CARRIED AWAY kinks off this CD with an uptempo song with a superb melody and the drum beat this unstoppable. I must admit, I feel a bit of Dylan in this song. So sweet.

NASHVILLE DREAM is pure greatness as his guitar playing is right on the money. The melody on this song is super strong and will stay in your head for quite some time. I love it. A true gem! PLAY ME LIKE YOUR GUITAR is great as the steel guitar comes into the song which gives the song a bit of a country favor.

The Flying Burrito Brothers would be proud to hear this song. ONE HORSE TOWN is so, so sweet as the harmonies are a real treat. You can actually 'feel this song'. The lyrics once again are as strong as ever.

DON'T ASK has a super sweet guitar riff as his vocals are as strong as ever. The steel guitar sneaks into the song which is supercool. I must admit, his music reminds me a lot of Gram Parsons and that says a lot.

WHERE DID THE MAGIC GO brings this great CD to an end as the guitar pickin' is pure greatness. This song will., definitely grow on you once you get a taste of it. This one reminds me a bit of John Hartford.

I'd like to give a BIG THANK YOU to DUNCAN COKER for being in touch. You can find him at: You Tube, Deezer, iHeartRadio, Apple Music, Spotify and other sites. ROCK ON, JIM ALLFORD [STEEL NOTES MAGAZINE.]

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