ANN KLEIN is one heck of a musician that will surely blow you away. He was a native of Connecticut and now is a permanent resident of Manhattan in New York. Her Bio is beyond words which you can check out on her website. A true gem and more.

The musicians on this 10 song album are: Ann Klein- Vocals, guitar, mandolin, omnichord;Additional guitar-Eric 'Roscoe' Amberl, Andrew Carillo; Dobro-Dave Mansfield; Violin-Chris Tedesco, Allison Cornell; Keyboards and vocals-Bette Sussman; Bass-Steve Count, Lee Nadel; Drums- Rich Mercurio, Sammy Merendiono; Back up vocals- Allison Cornell, Neal Coomer, Tabitha Fair, Deborah Berg, Amanada Homi. This Album was Produced by Tim Hatfield and Sammy Meredino and Mastered by Scott Hull.

TANGO WRANGLER kicks off this album with a very superb song that has a sweet guitar riff that will stay in your head. Her vocals will blow you away throughout this song.Guitar meets the violin and more in this song. WOW! Check it out. REMEMBER TO FORGET is a very sweet laid back song that you will just flow with as the melody and lyrics carry you away. Welcome to La-La Land and more.

SUNDAY MORNING is a perfect song to wake up to listen to a bright Sunday morning. The melody and lyrics are right on as this bouncy song could easily get in your head. Great melody and lyrics in this song. So sweet. RODENTS IN THE ATTIC has a great rock feel as she sings this song with so much conviction. The melody and lyrics once again are a real standout in this song. Play it loud.

ROCKING CHAIR has a great country music feel as the lyrics tell it all. Close your eyes and just sway along to this song. I'm sure it will make you grin a bit. This one really hit home with many people. The lyrics and melody are perfect in this song.

PROMISED LAND brings this amazing album to end with a heavy rock riff that is supercool. I love the rock feel on this song. Crank it up and have a good time. This album is flawless. I'd like to THANK ANN for being in touch. You can find her at: Bandcamp, Spotify, You tube, Soundcloud, Pandora, Deezer,, Apple Music and other sites. ROCK ON, JIM ALLFORD [STEEL NOTES MAGAZINE.]

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