Level Up with Lizzy — Worth the Wait — Oct 22 Edition

We spend large quantities of our lives waiting. 

Waiting for the next job opportunity, for the next taxi, for our partner to finish using the shower...

We usually equate these waiting periods to punishment, right? (As in, something's withheld from us?)

What if, we learn to embrace the times of restlessness, not so that time may pass more quickly, BUT, so that we may become wiser? What if we could use the "dull" moments of life, not as excuses to feel grey, but instead appreciate all that surrounds us? 

We've heard that "You Get from Life what you Give." And, that successful people have tried and failed many more times than he who gives up after a few failed attempts. James Clear of jamesclear.com writes,

"Success in nearly every field requires you to ignore doing something easier in favor of [doing] something harder.

"But the key takeaway here is that even if you don't feel like you're good at delaying gratification now, you can train yourself to become better simply by making a few small improvements. (Find those recommendations here.)


Level Up with Lizzy K #improvementhack :
Packing an extra granola bar for lunch, moving an item into plain view so it's easier to grab on the way out, or even starting a list before heading to the grocery store are examples of small steps now that have the potential to make life easier down the road. 




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