NOFORKS is a three piece punk/pop rock band that hails from Orlando, Fl and Clarksburg, WV. I find it amazing that they all travel back and forth among each other.

The band members are: ASHELY WARREN-Vocals, guitar; JOHNNY HOPSKINS-Vocals, bass and LYDIA VON DRUMMIN'-Drums, percussion, piano. I really don't have too much info on the band, other than what I mentioned.This 5 song EP was Produced, Mixed and Mastered by ???

STROLL kicks off this EP with some cool rock chords that will surely punk you out. The harmonies and the melody is right on the money. The melody is quite cool and will have you rockin' out. So sweet.

COUNTING TIME has a whole different tempo and punk sound. The guitar riffs are super cool as the band is in your face. The melody is quite different and their timing is perfect. This song is surely different, but still sounds great. Check it out.

OUTFIT has some charming lyrics that could give you a laugh. Once again they are pounding away in your face with their guitar riffs. The drummer is really pounding away in this sound. Pretty cool song. I'd like to THANK JOHNNY HOPSKINS for being in touch. You can find the band at: Bandcamp, Facebook, Apple Music and other sites. ROCK ON, JIM ALLFORD [STEEL NOTES MAGAZINE]

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